Adventure in Tanjung Lesung
Adventure in Tanjung Lesung Tanjung mortar Resort is a perfect spot to conduct underwater and explore Mount Krakatau and Ujung Kulon National Park. Ujung Kulon National Park was recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage because of wealth or National Park consists of a very Luat rainforest on the island of Java. Divers can enjoy the wealth of the seabed, coral stone that caused by Krakatoa and Ujung Kulon. Eruption occurred at Krakatoa in 1883 have made the volcanic rocks that are underwater. The beauty of the underwater volcanic stone is also added to the life of the fish, flora and other fauna very fertile earth. In shallow waters are Butterfly fish, Batfish and Moorish Idol and in the deep waters, there are tuna, barracuda and Marlin. Sometimes Sharks and Kura2 was seen when divers. Water Sports Water Sport is a very popular activity in Tanjung Lesung Beach Club. Tanjung Lesung Beach Club has water sport games are very complete. If you want Snorkeling, could do it in Tan...