
Showing posts from September, 2015

Adventure in Tanjung Lesung

Adventure in Tanjung Lesung Tanjung mortar Resort is a perfect spot to conduct underwater and explore Mount Krakatau and Ujung Kulon National Park. Ujung Kulon National Park was recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage because of wealth or National Park consists of a very Luat rainforest on the island of Java. Divers can enjoy the wealth of the seabed, coral stone that caused by Krakatoa and Ujung Kulon. Eruption occurred at Krakatoa in 1883 have made the volcanic rocks that are underwater. The beauty of the underwater volcanic stone is also added to the life of the fish, flora and other fauna very fertile earth. In shallow waters are Butterfly fish, Batfish and Moorish Idol and in the deep waters, there are tuna, barracuda and Marlin. Sometimes Sharks and Kura2 was seen when divers. Water Sports Water Sport is a very popular activity in Tanjung Lesung Beach Club. Tanjung Lesung Beach Club has water sport games are very complete. If you want Snorkeling, could do it in Tan...

Thing to do in Tanjung Lesung

What the hell can you do in Tanjung Lesung Arriving at Tanjung Lesung Beach Hotel and Resort, after a 3 hour drive, you have to wait to enjoy your vacation an enjoyable day. For those of you who do not know how to Tanjung Lesung, can be seen in the Directions to Tanjung Lesung kira2 Well what the hell that you can enjoy in Tanjung Lesung Resort? Maybe you want to just fall-lying by the pool while listening to the splash of water that flows and accompanied by some fresh fruit juices. Yes all that you would get in Tanjung Lesung. Tanjung Lesung but also has a more interesting activities specifically for you to enjoy. Kira2 what yah?   Adventure / Adventure Tanjung Dimples and its surroundings is paradise for The Lovers Outdooor Activity. Outdoor Activity in Tanjung Lesung makes people impressed and often come back to Tanjung Lesung. Nature / Nature In geography and geology, Tanjung Lesung given natural beauty and rich biodiversity. Both animals and plants that are he...

Hotels in Tanjung Lesung

Hotels in Tanjung Lesung Indonesia beruntung memiliki garis pantai yang memanjang dengan pemandangan yang luar biasa indahnya. Hampir di setiap sudut pulau di nusantara, pasir pantai terhampar luas. Salah satu pantai yang telah cukup dikenal bagi masyarakat Jakarta dan sekitarnya adalah Pantai Tanjung Lesung. Tanjung Lesung terletak 180 kilometer di sebelah barat Kota Jakarta. Wisatawan dapat mencapai Tanjung Lesung  melalui Tol Tangerang – Merak, Serang, Pandeglang, Labuan, dan Panimbang. Nuansa hijau pepohonan berpadu dengan pasir yang membaluri pinggir pantai. Paduan warna – warna itu melukiskan panorama alam yang sempurna. Untuk menikmati keindahan pantai Tanjung Lesung dengan sempurna, sebaiknya anda mencari Hotel di Tanjung Lesung . Salah satunya yaitu    Tanjung lesung Beach Hotel. Tanjung lesung Beach Hotel terletak di Tanjung Lesung Kav R 14 A, Tanjung Lesung. Tanjung Lesung Beach Hotel berada di dekat Selat Sunda di Pandeglang, mengarah ke Gu...

a litte story about tanjung Lesung

Seklumit heaven in a beautiful stretch of beach which stretches riveting on the western tip of Java island. Beach Tanjung Lesung, Pandeglang district located in Banten Province. Tanjung Lesung developed into one of the exclusive coastal resorts that will lead into Special Economic Zones in the field of tourism in Indonesia. Takes +/- 3 to 4 hours to reach the capital Jakarta Tanjung Lesung from using the road. According to information, for the future of this region will be built airport. Tanjung Lesung is one beach destination that is worth visiting and is well known both in domestic and foreign areas. The access road to the Cape Lesung relatively easy. There are two paths as the primary access using four wheel drive vehicles. From Jakarta we headed Tol Jakarta - Merak, to access the first one we could get out of Toll Serang east towards the town of Pandeglang, then leads to the village Panimbang and ends in Tanjung Lesung, while access to the second one we could get out ...

Hotels in Tanjung Lesung

Hotels in Tanjung Lesung Total dapet 9 days off from the office fitting widths 2013. Direct gatel want to wander. i need refreshing. Where .. Where yah yah .. Finally the choice fell on Tanjung Dimples, Banten. Sempet was stripped want to Bali or Lombok * (NorakBelomPernahKeLombok). But the intention undone as bbrp it .. finally find that deket2 aja, who use a car to reach bs. We go date August 3 to 6, 2013, 4 days and 3 nights. Tanjung Lesung quite far from Jakarta, approximately 4.5 to 5 hours of use Mobil. Armed with the knowledge gw if there are eating places there's nothing open (knowingly still fasting), I finally decided to go shopping to carefour before leaving, so will we ngeborong MIE2 instant, nuggets, small gas for cooking, bbrp herbs, sm mineral water * ga may call for the brand. Tanjung Lesung is about 2 hours from Anyer, somewhat remote location so, perhaps this is what makes the Cape Lesung not as famous as Anyer. I personally still prefer the Tanjung ...