The Beauty of Tanjung Lesung
The sky was bright and blue. Grasses and weeds yellowish. The trees look dry without leaves. Exactly the atmosphere of the country that are experiencing the four seasons of autumn.But this is not a story about the country four seasons. That is the view that you can get in Tanjung Lesung, January 2012 ago. Now, Tanjung Lesung already greener. But that does not mean better. Trees had no leaves, green leafy now. Likewise with the surrounding grassland. All turns green. Arguably more beautiful and shady. Tanjung Lesung, April 2015 which looked greener than three years ago. (VB Indonesia) However, the access road remains as before. Still the same. At some point the road was a bit crushed and enough to make the vehicle slow down. Editors' Choices • Tourists South Korea like to Trips to Tanjung Lesung • Tanjung Lesung Attract Travelers with Expand Coral ReefYear 2012, the area of Tanjung Lesung does have several tourist alternatives. There is a resort area, beach ...