Tourism the Mentawai Surf Island

Tourism siteNatural tourismOwned natural uniqueness Mentawai islands make interesting tour for tourists. The following can be seen in Table regarding the natural attractions that exist in the Mentawai Islands.

No. Tourism Object Lokaasi1 Waterfall Simtamtaman Monganpoula Village North Kec.Siberut2 Niagara Sirilanggai Sirilogui village, district. North Siberut3 Waterfall Bulugubuk Madobak village, district. North Siberut4 Niagara Cimpungan Cimpungan village, district. Central Siberut5 Lake Gojib Simalegi village, district. Siberut West6Siberut National ParkP. Siberut7 primates endemic to the MentawaiP. Siberut
Table 2. List of natural attractions in Mentawai Islands

Mentawai natural authenticity with rare flora and fauna species is also the cause of tourist arrivals cruising and scientists. Mentawai for forest conservation, the Ministry establishes the establishment of TNS (Siberut National Park), based in the village of Muara Siberut, South Siberut District.

Cultural TourismCultural tourism area defined in Madobag, Ugai, Butui, Matotonan, Lita, Sagulube ', Taileleu.At the regiontourists will enjoy the atmospherethe daily life of the communityThe original Mentawai tribe livingin traditional culture'sabulungan'. Some researcherswrite Mentawai culture has parallels with Colere derived from the Latin word meaning; care for, preserve, maintain, manage, especially cultivate the land, farming or farming. Some foreign scientists are Reimar Schefold literature in his book; Toys Spirit write Mentawai culture recognize the existence of the three spirits, Tai Ka Bagat Koat (spirits at sea), Tai ka Leleu (spirits in the forest and mountains) and Tai Ka Manua (spirits who are in the heavens).

Sabulungan original designation Mentawai culture identified a number of scientists as one of the oldest cultures in Indonesia. Sa se or collection means. While Bulung leaves. His understanding is a set of leaves that have supernatural powers (magic), known appellation puppy or ketsat. Leaves - leaves that have a puppy / ketsat included in katsila (spheres) made from thatch or palm shoots selingkaran, and katsila believed to have three spirits; Koat Kabagat Tai, Tai Tai Ka Ka Leleu and Manua.

In the cultural diversity Sabulungan Mentawai architecture including Indonesia into a derivative of ancient architecture existing in the Neolithic period. Mentawai architecture using basic ingredients of the existing natural environment around them. Ornaments material is generally made of bark or boards as walls with a thatched roof, as the materials are widely available in the Mentawai Islands.

Travel art in tune with the everyday people of Mentawai. Mentawai people's lives other than ritualism colored tribute to nature, also nominated several other art forms such as dance they call turu 'and the sing-song of known dust. Variety of art and ritual was also often carried and displayed in various events in various locations other attractions.

Culture Mentawai people are still maintained and preserved in affluent hinterland, planned as Cultural Village has ethnic culture, such as traditional culture and way of life of native tribes Mentawai become an interesting tourist attraction for the tourists. One is Uma is a large home residence in bereklompok Mentawai communities and indigenous cultural center of the Mentawai people. In addition uniqueness turuk laggai which is a typical dance Mentawai store noble values ​​that are important in the life of the Mentawai society, such as turuk laggai Mayana (eagle) and bilou (monkey) which describes peace among tribes and others.

Aktraksi tattooing, is also a cultural tourism that can be enjoyed in a remote village, as the village and the village Matotonan Madobak (South Siberut District), Taileleu village in the district. Siberut Southwestern. Type / art tattoo Mentawai society is one of the oldest types of tattoos in the world.

No. Arts & Culture Travel Information1 Turu 'Pok - pok Dance clap2 Turu 'Dance Muabak boating3 Turu 'Manyang Eagle Dance4 Turu'Goukgouk Chicken Dance5 Turu 'Bilou Dance Monkey6Turu'MukereiDance Treatment7 Turu 'Lago - lago Dancing Butterfly - butterfly8 asd Dance to the fields9 Turu 'Pik - Pik Dance sparrowsSome types of cultural tourism in Mentawai Islands

No. Arts & Culture Travel Information1 Dance - dance is a ritual art and entertainment to punen / party2 Ritual Organized certain moment in the form of summoning spirits - spirits such as for treatment, punen and sebagainnya3 Tattoos Given as identity-level positions, regions and ethnic origin4 Do Sculpting teeth when a man or woman growing up5 Hunting activities such as wildlife foraging in the forest by using tools such as arrows huntingCultural attractions that still exist in the Mentawai Islands
Marine tourismWith a land area of ​​6011.35 km2 and + 10 099, 44 km2 area of ​​ocean that measured 4 miles out at low tide on the island - the outer islands. Group of islands - islands totaling 100 islands, consisting of 1 large islands P. Siberut and 99 smaller islands that stretches from North to South with. Of several islands in the Mentawai Islands, there are four islands are inhabited, namely P.Siberut, P. Sipora, P. North Pagai and South Pagai P..

Siberut island with an area of ​​4,030 km is the largest island among the other islands in the Mentawai Islands cluster. As for the three other islands are Sipora Island (845 km 2), North and South Pagai Island (1,675 km 2) located to the south of the island of Siberut. With potential as an archipelago, Mentawai Islands is a potential for the development of marine tourism.As an international tourism destination, surfing has brought the name of the Mentawai Islands to the international arena.

The beauty of the Mentawai waves, the pe-surfing world has mensetarakan Mentawai islands to Hawaii. Here is a famous surf spot in Mentawai Islands. Mentawai Islands have over 70 points surfing beautiful and visited wisataman foreign countries. Where there are 42 exclusive surf spot that became the target surfers with average wave height - average 3-6 meters.


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