13 Travel Destinations Travel in Banten Indonesia

13 Travel Destinations Travel in Banten IndonesiaDuring this when discussing about Banten, certainly the first thing that immediately comes to memory certainly is Anyer. But do you know if in the most western province of Java is actually still keeps the charm instagramable that will certainly make you more amazed than charm Anyer Beach.Here are 17 that are present tour hits in Banten and obliged to enter in the list of tourist destinations in your vacation this time.

Hill Pelayanganbukitpelayangan_ryanggaariryanggaariAlthough the location is far away in the suburbs, but Hill Pelayangan was present until the demand by many travelers. Feeling tired after a long journey can be remedied after you watch nan soothing eye view of the green. The more exotic scenery when the evenings. Because in front of your eyes just visible dots the city lights.

Beach Tanjung LayarTicket Price: USD 5,000Opening hours: 24 hoursLocation: District Bayah, about 4 Km from the village Cikaungpantaitanjunglayar_huzda02@ huzda02Enjoy the atmosphere of the beautifully serene beaches, see the clashing waves that can be healers ruinitas tired everyday. Not only that, the charm of the beach will be more dazzling Bayah when dusk arrived. Capture images sunset will become the most favorite activities in Tanjung Layar.

Pulo DelayTicket prices: adults Rp 15,000 / USD 10,000 learner (KMP rental fee to get to the island Pause Pause)Opening hours: -Location: Java Sea, north Sebeah Banten BayFadlyAzhriansyahFadlyAzhriansyahNot only can witness the beauty of the beaches alone, but is in Snooze Pulo you can also see the magnificent child of Krakatoa. In addition, there are many fishing spot is a favorite of visitors. But to be able to enjoy all the beauty of the island you have to wait patiently Pause Pause KPM Ghost Reef depart from the Port at 13:00 pm and will return at 07:00 pm.Also Read addition Bromo, Ada Four Attractions in Probolinggo Exotic Should You Visit

Curug EarthLocation: Padarincang, Serang - BantenzaenimustovazaenimustovaJumping from a height, jumping into the cold water Leuwi Curug Curug Earth or the Earth will surely be a memorable experience on your vacation this time. Especially to get here takes extra struggle to take an unusual road access.

Sempu Banten GirangLocation: Village Sempu, Serang - Banten@ likayulia87@ likayulia87Banten Girang is ideally located about 10 Km in the southern part of the Port of Banten. Here there be an archaeological site relics of the Kingdom of Sunda (932 - 1030 AD).

BatulawangParking fee: USD 5,000 (motor) and Rp 10,000 (cars)Opening hours: 9:00 to 14:00 pmLocation: Gerem Village, Grogol, CilegonAlviarMulyatiAlviarMulyatiBeing on top of the hill with boulders Batulawang resembles a gate or door (mace) find fresh air make friends green landscape Banten. Although it is not far from the bustle of the harbor. Here you can also see the ships docked to the ferry dock.

Beach PeucangLocation: Peucang, Pandeglang, BantenRhinoAdventureRhinoAdventureSwim along the shore that is so clear will make you feel satisfied and forget the taste penatnya routines that could haunt. This is a dream beach with white sand sparkle, plus beach and clean sea water without pollution will make no stops amazed.

Gapura KaibonTicket price: -Opening hours: 24 hoursLocation: Village Tract, Village Kasunjatan, District KasemenefriliarizqiefriliarizqiKaibon gate is a gate of the palace Kaibon (Netherlands demolished in 1832). There are five gates that resemble the gate with 5 doors. It is said that the number of gates is adjusted by the amount of Muslims held prayers in one day. All existing gate Javanese and Bali with a height of 2 meters patterned Bentar Temple. This cultural heritage sites will be slick background in your picture and learn the history that has been long forgotten by the younger generation.Also Read Not Abroad, this 7 Beach With Waterfall Most Amazing In Indonesia

Curug TomoLocation: Village Cidahu, Pandarincang, Serang - Bantenady_nugrohoady_nugrohoCurug Curug Leuwi Tomo Tomo or has a waterfall which reaches a height of 5 meters. The water in this waterfall is quite clear so suited to swim or play water, around the waterfall is also beautiful and beautiful scenery unfold. Even fairly clean surroundings dikatenakan not many tourists are aware of its existence.

Cigaru lake, CisokaTicket Price: USD 2,000 (weekday), Rp 3,000 (weekend) + Rp 2,000 parkingLocation: Village Cigaru, Cisoka subdistrict, Tangerang - BantenreddylifereddylifeCigaru lake, Cisoka actually a former sand quarry and then in it were under water. This area became popular because of the phenomenon of water is changing (when morning and afternoon blue green) is very beautiful and is said to be trusted by the visitors can cure the disease.

Curug GendangTicket Price: USD 2,500Opening hours: 24 hoursLocation: District Carita, Pandeglang, Bantenyovie_effendiyovie_effendiQuite charming waterfall has a height of 7 meters by 10 meters wide and the inside of the pool of the waterfall reaches 13 meters. Many tourists who memangfaatkan fresh water in Curug Gendang to swim or play limited water and take pictures around the waterfall. You can camp in the area of ​​the waterfall by paying an additional fee ranging from Rp 3,000 - Rp 10,000.

Liwungan IslandLocation: District Cigeulis, Pandeglang, BanteninstabanteninstabantenLiwungan famous island has a beach with white sand, though side by craggy rock is indeed more. Will look at some of the reservoirs of coal mines which may be a little disturbing sights. Trekking beach, take pictures and surf the intact forests will be a special moment in your vacation this time.Also Read 13 Hotel and Homestay holidays Di Bromo Below 150 thousand

Curug CigumawangTicket Price: USD 2,500 + Rp 3,000 (parking)Opening hours: 24 hoursLocation: Village Kadu Pereum, District Pandarincang, Serang - BantenmelaaaakmelaaaakCigumawang in Curug locations are often used to carry out such activities climbing, outbound and camping. So, during a visit to the waterfall Cigumawang you not only can take pictures or play water. But enjoy the fresh air in nature that the majority still beautiful with the campers will give a distinct impression.So, which one would you visit?Do not forget to keep its natural beauty, well, do not get damaged.


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