7 Best Destinations in Indonesia For New Year Together with friends

7 Terseru Destinations in Indonesia For New Year Together with friends
Monday, November 16, 2015
December soon arrived as well as the year-end holidays and the new year! Then with whom you will be celebrating your New Year's Eve? If you will miss out with friends, 7 destinations in Indonesia late terseru Skyscanner this option could provide an unforgettable experience for you and your friends!

1. Bali

Bali is one of the most favorite place for local and international traveler to celebrate the turn of the year. Traveler and locals mingle and rejoice together in the various centers and the party that was held in Bali. Bali sky was decorated with fireworks beautiful and colorful. You can choose between Kuta, Seminyak, Ubud, Sanur, Jimbaran or to celebrate the New Year festive. Once in your life, try to feel the New Year party in Bali multicultural.

Read also: 10 Best Hostel in Bali Under Rp 200.000,00.

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7 Destinations in Indonesia For New Year's Together with friends - Bali

The beaches in Bali became the preferred place for tourists and local residents to celebrate the new year.

2. Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta has also become one of the favorite destinations of tourists to spend the night new year. Fireworks held in several places in Yogyakarta, such as in Malioboro, the Palace Square, Parangtritis, and Bukit Bintang Wonosari. Malioboro itself in a special event held every New Year's Eve, the all-night wayang show. If you like a challenge, you can skip the turn of the year to climb Mount Nglanggeran while looking at the beautiful sunrise or sunset there.

Read also: 12 Activity Holidays in Yogyakarta Recommended Local People.

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7 Destinations in Indonesia For New Year's Together with friends - Yogyakarta

Malioboro is always crowded on a weekday, the more crowded when the New Years Eve party.

Photo: Gunawan Kartapranata.

3. Makassar

Makassar famous residents like to party and eat so Makassar certainly become a favorite destination to celebrate the New Year. Losari be the center of the crowd when the New Year's Eve arrived. While waiting for the turn of the year, people gathered on the beach while eating seafood and enjoy the sunset. At night, fireworks danced and lit up the sky with a very festive Makassar.

Read also: 7 Culinary Makassar That Will Make You Not Want You Home.

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7 Destinations in Indonesia For New Year's Together with friends - Makassar

Losari be the entertainment center when New Year's Eve arrived.

Photo: ivanatman.

4. Palembang

If the usual fireworks become a routine event in Palembang turn of the year, then the year yesterday. Palembang residents welcomed 2015 with a grand remembrance. But of course the turn of the year is still running festive. The residents gathered in a city park, the banks of the Musi River, or the Ampera Bridge. What about the New Year celebrations this time? Let us forward together.

Read also: Culinary Tourism in Palembang.

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7 Destinations in Indonesia For New Year's Together with friends - Palembang

At the turn of the year, the sky above the bridge shall normally be filled by a fireworks show.

Photo: zaddam husein.

5. Terrain

Medan celebrate the new year with a festive! From morning till night, Medan residents and the newcomers can enjoy New Year's Eve party at Merdeka Square. Entertainment stage presenting local band or artist to perform in the capital city. New Year event ended with fireworks and a countdown of the turn of the day. Not only that, remembrance akbar, tausiah, dance competitions and coloring, as well as fairs and exhibitions at the turn of the year to make the party more festive field. In addition to the center of Medan, the tourist area of ​​Lake Toba is also a party to celebrate the New Year with a fireworks show that is not less beautiful. This place could be another option if you want a cooler atmosphere and away from the crowds.

Read also: 10 Most Interesting Things To Do in Medan.

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7 Destinations in Indonesia For New Year's Together with friends - Medan

Lake Toba had come to celebrate the turn of the year.

Photo: Barry Kusuma.

6. Bandung

Bandung has some place New Year's Eve celebrations, like in Lembang, Field Tagalega, Bandung Square and Bukit Bintang. New Year's Eve at Tiananmen Square Tagalega and more lively with the presence of fireworks, the sound of blowing horns, as well as culinary festival. With festivities, the celebration of the New Year in Singapore is perfect for those who want to celebrate New Year's Eve rollicking, either with family or friends.

Read also: Bandung, One populerdi Camping Site Indonesia.

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7 Destinations in Indonesia For New Year's Together with friends - Bandung

The square has always been a gathering place for residents of Bandung, including the time of New Year's Eve. Photo: Indonesia.Travel.

7. Jakarta

Jakarta also has a spectacular New Year celebrations. In Jakarta, the turn of the year is usually centered in Ancol, Monas, the Hotel Indonesia roundabout, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, and of course in malls around Jakarta. Residents around the city using a motor vehicle, blowing trumpets, musical performances in the streets of protocols that have been prepared by the government, and watched the festive fireworks.

See also: 488 Page Typical Jakarta.

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7 Destinations in Indonesia For New Year's Together with friends - Jakarta

Fireworks at Monas which takes place every New Year's Eve gala.

So where are you going to miss the New Year's Eve you? Immediate plan your trip now, because of the approaching end of the year! Your message via Skyscanner flight tickets and find your accommodation via Skyscanner Hotel Search!


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